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This project has been made possible with the financial assistance of the European Union


This project can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the policies of the European Union
About us

background Eurofiling provides a collaborative environment, being since 2005 an open meeting place for Regulators, Supervisors, Entities from both the public and private sector, such as financial institutions, providers, academic and private individuals around the following central theme: European and National Regulatory Reporting and the financial ecosystem; improving collaboration and awareness to leverage interoperability, together. The deliverables are Data Point Models, XBRL documents and taxonomies, know-how and materials for Supervisory Frameworks: COREP, FINREP and SolvencyII.

arrow The working group of the EUROFILING project relies on a voluntary basis of individuals, irrespective of affiliation. Employees of any supervisor, reporting entity or XBRL industry/organisation, as well as academics or any other interested people, are free to join this group.

arrow The first possibility to take part in the project is joining the Google group where all messages exchanged between the members are stored, including the attached files.
Please join us at
Doubts? Check the handbook for managing Google accounts.

arrow The working group meets at 10:30 CET the last Thursday of each month in a conference call. See
Interested in attending this conference call?
Please contact the organisation for more information

arrow Another way of joining our work is attending our workshops, when announced at
Please click on Events to get all the presentations of our past meetings, open to the public since the kick off meeting in Feb. 2005.

arrow To join the core team and assume voluntary tasks, like maintaining a website, preparing test cases or any other, please contact us at

arrow Eurofiling have no budget and no involvement in any commercial activity. As a rule, it is recommended do not use Eurofiling framework as a commercial vehicle. Substituting commercial logos by plain text in the presentations, refraining of sending commercial info in the distribution lists, or other ways to minimize commercial impact, is highly appreciated by the Eurofiling community.

arrow Eurofiling operates, since the very beginning, thanks to the fully logistic support of XBRL Spain, and the financial assistance of the European Union in certain activities in past years.

arrow As an open community of practice for filing, we collaborate with related initiatives as OpenFiling Association and the CEN WS XBRL European Standard, among others.

arrow Download Eurofiling logo in small, medium & vector (.ai) size.
Eurofiling logo created by Rafa Pastor Bas
Eurofiling carving created by Artebronce

Derek de Brandt

Aftab Ahmad, Norway
Aitor Azcoaga, EIOPA
Anatolijus Nachumovas, Lithuania
Andreas Weller EBA
Anna-Maria Weber, Germany
Carlos Martins, EBA
Carlos Rodriguez, FINREP
Emile Bartolé,Luxembourg
Eric Jarry, France
Haizhen Chen, France
Ignacio Boixo, Spain
Ignacio Santos, Spain
Katrin Heinze, ECB
Krzysztof Burlaga, Poland
Marjan Trobina, EIOPA
Mark Creemers, Belgium
Meri Rimmanen, EBA
Michele Romanelli, Italy
Owen Jones, EBA
Panagiotis Voulgaris, ECB
Piotr Madziar, European Commission
Victor Morilla, Spain
Wladyslaw Krawiec, IFRS
Wolfgang Strohbach, EBA

Allyson Ugarte, AECA
Bartosz Ochocki, BR-AG
Charles Hoffman, "father of XBRL"
Derek De Brandt, Aguilonius
Haiko Philipp, Bearingpoint
Herm Fischer, MarkV
Javi Mora, XBRL Spain
Joel Vicente, Corefiling
Maciej Piechocki, Bearingpoint
Marcus Peeraer, Aguilonius
Masatomo Goto, Fujitsu
Michal Piechocki, BR-AG
Michal Skopowski, BR-AG
Olivier Servais, IIRC
Pieter Maillard, Aguilonius
Piotr Malczak, Poland
Renata Fiedura, BSB
Roland Hommes, Rhocon
Walter Hamscher, SEC
Wladyslaw Krawiec, IFRS

         and many others


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