XBRL week in Madrid
Monday 1st to Wednesday 3rd June 2015
15th XBRL EU Day & 21st Eurofiling Workshop
Celebrating 10 years of Eurofiling!
Also: 18th European Commerce Register's Forum, 3-5 June
XBRL week in Brussels
Monday 24th to Thursday 27th November 2014
14th XBRL EU Day & 20th Eurofiling Workshop
Solvency II and XBRL
Madrid, Tuesday 28th October 2014
27th XBRL International Conference
Orlando, 9th- 11th June 2014
XBRL week in Rome
Monday 5th to Wednesday 7th May 2014
13th XBRL EU Day & 19th Eurofiling Workshop
XBRL week in Luxembourg
Monday 9th to Thursday 12th December 2013
18th Eurofiling XBRL Workshop, 10th December
12th XBRL Europe Day
, 11th December
XBRL & standards in Europe
Madrid, 18th November 2013.
XBRL Nordic day
Copenhagen, 13th November 2013.
IFRS & XBRL: Central Banks/Supervisors/Auditors.
Santiago de Chile, 5th- 6th September 2013.
XBRL week in London
London, Monday 17th to Thursday 20th June 2013
Preparing for CRD IV Reporting Bankers day, 17th June
11th XBRL Europe Day & General Assembly, 18th June
17th Eurofiling XBRL Workshop, 19th June
XBRL Int'l, Rendering WG, 20th June
CEN WS XBRL Plenary Session
Dublin, 19th April 2013
26th XBRL International Conference
Dublin, 16th- 18th April 2013
COREP & Data Point Modelling. XBRL Finland Seminar
Helsinki, 25th March 2013
XBRL week in Frankfurt
Frankfurt, 11th - 14th December 2012
25th XBRL International Conference
Yokohama, Japan, 6th - 8th November 2012
Conférence XBRL Solvabilité II
Paris, France, 23rd October 2012
SEMIC 2012 - Semantic Interoperability Conference
Brussels, Belgium, 18th June 2012
Nordic XBRL Day
Helsinki, Finland, 7th June 2012
XBRL week in Madrid
Madrid, May 29th to June 1st 2012
9th XBRL Europe Day & General Assembly
15th Eurofiling XBRL Workshop
Train the Trainers Track
CEN XBRL Workshop, kick-off meeting
Cross-Sector seminar on XBRL (Supervisors only)
24th World Continuous Auditing and Reporting Symposium
Malatya, Turkey, 3rd-4th May 2012
IFRS Taxonomy Annual Convention 2012
London, United Kingdom, 25th April 2012
EIOPA XBRL Europe Seminar
Tallinn, ESTONIA, 11th April 2012
24th XBRL International Conference
Abu Dhabi, UAE, 20th-22nd March 2012
Financial Reporting in the 21st Century: Standards, Technologies and Tools
Macerata, Italy, 8th-9th September 2011
XIV European Banking Authority XBRL Workshop
London, 30th-31st March 2011
IFRS Taxonomy Annual Convention
London, 29th March 2011
XIII European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshop
Luxembourg, 24th-25th November 2010
XBRL Europe Day
Paris, September 21st 2010
XII European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshop
Rome, 23rd April 2010
XI European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshop
Vienna, 16th-20th November 2009
X European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshop dressed as Banking Supervisory Track in the 19th XBRL Intl. Conference
Paris, 22nd - 25th June 2009
FINREP XBRL Plenary Session
Madrid, 20th-23rd April 2009
F2F XBRL Core Team meeting
Warsaw, 16th-17th March 2009
IX European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshop
Paris 29th September - 1st October 2008
17th XBRL Int. Conference. Panel Discussion: European Banking Supervision From Both a Regulator and Preparer's Perspective
Eindhoven 5th, May 2008
F2F XBRL Core Team meeting
Athens, 12th-14th March 2008
VIII European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshop & One Day One e-Line Workshop
Amsterdam, 6th-7th & 5th-6th November 2007
15th XBRL International Conference
Munich, 4th-7th June 2007
XBRL as a Tool for Supervision
The French Banking Commission Approach
Real XBRL Reporting in the European Banking Supervision
Practical Implementation of FINREP and COREP Taxonomies
VII European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshop
Munich, 9th-10th May 2007
VI European Banking Supervisors XBRL
Madrid, 4th-5th October 2006
V European Banking Supervisors XBRL
during the 13th XBRL International Conference
Madrid, 19 May 2006
IV European Banking Supervisors XBRL
Madrid, 30 January-3 February 2006
European Banking Supervisors XBRL
Brussels, 13-16 September 2005
1st European XBRL Conference for Financial Services
London, 29 June 2005
COREP XBRL presentation to
the Steering Committee
Paris, 3 June 2005
XBRL Project Office
XBRL Mappers
One IT project, two business domains
XBRL in Europe for COREP
XBRL International Supporting the
COREP Project
II European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshop
Madrid, 18-21 April 2005
I European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshop
Madrid, 4-18 February 2005