Declaration Act
Room C2.03
Wednesday 8th 13:45-15:20
After many years of hard working by many volunteers, with the gentle support of the Regulatory and Supervisory Authorities, for which we are very grateful on behalf of Filing Europe and related stakeholders, we consider it’s time create a legal entity for Eurofiling.
Lots and lots of ink has been dedicated in finding the best form, which should faithfully remain at the service of and respecting the non-profit fundaments of the Eurofiling initiative and its community of supporters: you.
Eurofiling and its volunteers has been creating over the years an immaterial patrimonium which resides at The protection of a patrimonium is typically in the hands of a Foundation: hence the creation of a Private Foundation under the name “Eurofiling Foundation p.f.”
Eurofiling provides a collaborative environment, being since 2005 an open meeting place for Regulators, Supervisors, Entities from both the public and private sector, such as financial institutions, providers, academic and private individuals around the following central theme: European and National Regulatory Reporting and the financial ecosystem; improving collaboration and awareness to leverage interoperability; together.
The rationale and working of the Foundation will be explained in the form of a Declaration Act in all transparency on Wednesday, June Wednesday 8th at 13h45 in ECB room MB C2.03. All attendants will be considered Founder Trustees as supporters to the Foundation. Please feel free to jump in or find out more during one of the coffee breaks.
If you can’t be there, no worry… a support mail to is a genuine pleasure.
Comments are, as usual, more than welcomed !
Ignacio Boixo | Derek De Brandt |
Eurofiling Founder | Eurofiling Chair |