Wednesday 7th. 16h30 17h00. Room MB C2.04

At the closing of the 7th General Assembly of the Openfiling non-for-profit Association, Open community of practice for filing and XBRL with Open Source, short demonstrations of different tools available in Open Source:

XBRL Tool for Undertakings (T4U)Due to budget restrictions EIOPA will have to decommission the T4U. The Tool will not be updated to support the 2.2.0 or following taxonomies. EIOPA expects that market providers will be able to reuse and support the solutions developed by the T4U project and has made the tool available through an open source model.

Solvency II. Really Easy Converter from Excel to XBRL Proof of concept (Published 03/06/2017) for Taxonomy 2.2.0 ​​​​​Public Working Draft (Published 01/06/2017). Ignacio Boixo, Javi Mora

Benchmark a SME financial report with Sectoral rates in Excel and Java as well. On line free service of XBRL Spain.  Javi Mora.

Herm Fischer

Q & A


Herm Fischer Ignacio Boixo Javi Mora
Arelle Author Openfiling Chair XBRL Spain Manager