Eurofiling Conference, Frankfurt 2019
Eurofiling Conference
June 17-18-19, 2019
Hosted by the ECB, Frankfurt
Register at
MONDAY JUNE 17, 2019
ESMA Meet-the-Market session on the ESEF format and iXBRL
Tutorials on Supervisory Reporting, Data Point Modeling, …
Main stage day focusing on the present
Topics: Supervisory Reporting, Statistical Reporting, CRDIV, Solvency II, AnaCredit, MIFIDII, standards (XBRL, SDMX, ISO20022, LEI, IFRS, etc)
Opening keynote speech by François Laurent, European Central Bank
- keynote speech by Jo Swyngedouw, interim Chair at EBA
- keynotes from ECB, EIOPA, ESMA, SRB about the current state of play with supervisory and statistical reporting, strategies about data collection and the fitness of existing regulation.
- executive updates about this year’s XBRL Taxonomy roadmaps and expected timelines for reporting by the industry to their National Competent Authorities.
- parallel track sessions from academic and innovative speakers about novelties and analyses and technical updates from “the ones who know”
Main stage day focusing on the future
Topics: future of Supervisory Reporting in the digital age, Sustainability, IReF, SDD/BIRD, Blockchain, EC Quantum Flagship, eIDAS, AML, SBR, etc..
Opening keynote speech by Werner Bier, Deputy Director DG Statistics, European Central Bank
- key note speeches from various specialists on various topics
- more on the IReF initiative from the ECB
- BIRD and the Single Data Dictionary
- Harmonisation initiatives around the Anti-Money-Laundry theme
- Machine Learning initiatives at the regulatory side
- panels on Blockchain, digital age and quantum tech
- …
More information and more details soon on
The Organizing Committee