Eurofiling Taxonomy Architecture

The European Taxonomy Architecture is developed according to the CEN specifications CWA 16744-3 (European Standard promulgated in 2014), available via this link or in this web.

Common XBRL resources are hosted in the Eurofiling domain and are referenced in taxonomies of the European Banking Authority (EBA), European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), European Central Bank (ECB) and others. The resources referenced are:

Dictionaries: resources which are common to Reporting Frameworks, such as:
..- ISO 3166-2 Geographical Areas (Countries)
..- ISO 4217 Currencies

Extension resources:
..- model definition
..- filing indicators
..- pivotal variables
..- filtering
..- parameters
..- mechanism for deactivation of assertions

..- interval arithmetics
..- custom margin
..- isin-check, math and other frequently used extra functions

These resources are downloadable via the Eurofiling Taxonomy Architecture resources tree or as .ZIP or via the taxonomy repository of XBRL International:


The DPM Refit project makes the Eurofiling taxonomy architecture evolve, as explained on the joint communication of EBA and EIOPA on the Data Point Modelling standard version 2.0. The current version (2.0) is compliant with DPM Refit specifications.