Call for experts to participate in ISO Technical Committee 68, Subcommittee 9, Working Group 5, dedicated to development and maintenance of ISO 5116 “Improving transparency in financial and business reporting – Harmonization” (Data Point Model).
Institutions recognised as Participating Members in the Technical Committee 68 are listed here: Typically, within the Participating Member organisation, there will be a committee or group established to “mirror” the ISO Technical Committee 68 Financial Services. The chair or convenor of that group will be the best point of contact since typically this group will opine on delegation or delegate individuals to serve in ISO groups. The deadline for submitting responses to the call for experts is the 15th of October 2024.
The Board of Directors of Eurofiling hereby kindly ask you to engage and mobilise individuals to respond to the call for paticipation If you have any questions or would require assistance, please feel free to contact the Eurofiling Foundation: Michal Piechocki, Convenor for WG5: Ignacio Boixo, President: